Persons Crimes
D-11046-22: Aggravated assault; this involved a road rage incident where that started near Carrollton and Conti ended at Picheloup and Delgado with one driver pulling and pointing weapon at the other driver. Subject fled the scene DIU conducting follow-up
D-14551-22: Armed robbery; 300 S. Telemachus Hispanic male robbed by B/M subject perpetrator was able to get $600 dollars from the victim
D-16973-22: Attempt armed robbery; 400 Blk S. Dupre Hispanic male approached by two B/M subjects, object stuck in his back, later identified as a handgun. Subjects demanded money, but fled the scene without receiving anything from the victim.
In all crimes no one was injured, other items of significance:
Vehicle burglary D-16856-22 (3532 Toulouse) handgun taken (Heckler & Koch 9mm serial # 224-320114)
Stolen vehicle D-13318-22 (3601 Conti) recovered on 4/18 in the Lafitte Development
Stolen vehicle D-10887-22 (Iberville and N. Alexander) juvenile arrested with possession of the vehicle on 4/14 in the 6700 Block of Gen. Haig. At the time the juveniles was apparently casing other vehicles for the purpose of vehicle burglary with other juveniles.