Persons Crimes
Item # G-03077-22, 7/4/22 1:40 am (rape) 100 Block of N. Carrollton, gist: the victim stated her ex-boyfriend raped her.
Item # G-07347-22, 7/8/22 7:30 am (homicide by cutting) 2700 Banks, gist: victim was found in front of 2730 Banks St with stab wounds and died on scene. Under investigation, case open.
Item # G-07946-22, 7/8/22 6:43 pm (aggravated assault) 100 Block of N. Rendon St, gist: cab driver riding east on Rendon from Canal, bicyclist riding west on N. Rendon and for some unknown reason pulled weapon and fired three times at cab. Perpetrator fled the scene.
Item # G-04084-22, 7/4/22 11:34 pm (armed robbery) 4501 Toulouse St, gist: regular at bar got behind counter of bar, became physical with bar maid, pulled a weapon and demanded money. The subject was arrested.
Item # G-06788-22, 7/7/22 4:19 pm (armed robbery) 231 N. Carrollton Ave, gist: B/M subject entered the Subway with hoodie and covid mask, asked for cookies at the counter, then pulled weapon and demanded money. Subject got away with approximately $500 and fled the scene.
Looking at the map you will see our property crime was one of the lowest in weeks, however our persons crime totaled 5 including a murder. The N. Rendon and 231 N. Carrollton are of concern for us pertaining to patrolling, visibility and suspicious persons. I have no particulars on the murder, from my understanding it was not clear where the incident occurred or that a scene was identified.