There were no persons or violent crimes reported this past week. Thefts, auto burglaries, and auto thefts were an issue.
The auto theft (2011 Nissan Maxima) at 206 N. Carrollton is listed on the Repo-5 as an auto theft, however it was actually towed by the City and recovered by the owner. The 800 Block of N. Solomon was a 2022 Hyundai stolen 7/9/23 10:30 am G-08154-23, recovered in the 4000 Block of Duplessis Street later the same day. The second vehicle was taken from the 300 Block of N. Norman Francis 7/15/23 9:22 am 2019 Ford F-150 white in color and still at large.
The thefts included a wallet left on a counter and taken at 3402 Tulane Avenue, a cell phone left unsupervised and take at 3813 Tulane Avenue, a theft of a cooler containing several personal items belonging to the victim which occurred during Mardi Gras 2/18/23, but just reported 7/11/23 and the last being package thefts from the victim’s porch at 3114 Palmyra Street. If you see packages on a porch, step out, knock on the door to notify the resident in case they are home so they can retrieve it. It helps us in preventing crime and with outreach to Mid-City residents.
I was notified by the Desk Officer the area around the Wrong Iron was hit with multiple vehicle burglaries last night, many of which weren’t reported. The perpetrators on that also hit the DDD and maybe other sections of the City. Be aware of that while conducting patrols. Continue checks on our business corridors, including N. Carrollton and Bienville and Broad between Canal to Orleans. Continue to check the rear parking lot of DMac’s for any criminal activity, the Dollar General on N. Broad, the Tulane/Carrollton corridor including Shamrock, Vandal and Dollar Tree. Also continue checks at the three gas stations (Broad/Orleans, Tulane/S. N. Francis and N. St. Patrick/Canal). There was a nuisance complaint at Banks and S. White (pertaining to folks loitering).