Persons Crimes
C-22713-22 (65-J) 3/20/22 5-6 Black subjects, including 1 Black female, approached victim near Bayou St. John as he was about to fish approximately 9:00 pm, asked to use his and he refused. One subject then threatened the victim’s life, took his vehicle keys and fled with the victim’s vehicle. *Closed by arrest*
C-23385-22 (30) 3/21/22 Homicide of Mrs. Frickey. *Closed by arrest*
C-24429-22 (37) 3/22/22 Dispute over a parking spot at a business 10:45 am, parking spot reserved for victim. Victim and perpetrator got into argument over perpetrator being parked in his spot, perpetrator pulled out and pointed weapon at victim. Police were near and flagged down, perpetrator arrested. *Closed by arrest*
C-29028-22 (64K) 3/26/22 Hispanic male sitting in vehicle approached by Black female who reached into his vehicle, unlocked the door and entered it. Proceeded to search the vehicle, when she received resistance from the victim she called another subject (B/M) who produced a pocket knife and continued search of vehicle, took charger and fled. *Case open*
Property crimes: Shamrock was hit heavy on the night of 3/23/22, reporting times different but very likely most committed by same person or group.