Crime Map April 3-9, 2022

Persons Crimes

Aggravated burglary (D-02580-22) 4400 block of St. Ann Street 4/3/22 7:00 am, female stated Hispanic male entered her home, she awakened to him inside the home.  The subject engaged in a struggle with her while armed with a knife, cut himself during the struggle and fled the home.  Reading the EPR the victim was possibly intoxicated and apparently left her front door unlocked.  There is likely more to this and the signal may change. 

Armed robbery (D-02310-22) 600 block of City Park Avenue 4/3/22 11:50 pm, male victim caught an Uber to meet the “known perpetrator” at the location, for some unknown reason the perpetrator pulls a gun and demands the victim’s property.  The perpetrator retrieves that property and flees, the property included his shoes, wallet ($400), cell phone and unknown serial # Hi-Point 45.  The perpetrator was placed wanted after officers attempted contact with him at the address known to the victim unsuccessfully.


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