Crime Map February 19-25, 2023

Persons Crimes

Item # B-20214-23 2/20/23 2:45 pm (Lundi Gras) (armed robbery)@560 N. Carrollton Ave. (Marshalls);  the victim (cashier) was checking out customers at her register when a B/M subject entered the store placed a box next to her, exhibited a handgun and told the cashier to place money in the box.  The cashier complied and the perpetrator fled the scene.  Other store employees and customers observed this.  The perpetrator was aware of this and told them to stay calm.  The perpetrator was observed to exit and enter a dark Mercedes via the store surveillance system.  He got away with over $2,000.

Item # N-00103-23 2/18/23 8:30 pm (pickpocket)@S. Scott and Canal;  the victim was attending the Endymion Parade when later that night she found her $1,500 Iphone 13 Pro missing from her coat pocket , which included her Tennessee driver’s license.  

Item # B-25827-23 2/25/23 5:45 pm (aggravated assault) @3340 Canal St.;  the victim stated the arrested subject — a known subject in that area — (aka Tulane and Norman Francis drunk in traffic guy) was standing outside the business causing a disturbance, and using profanity.  The subject was asked to leave.  He disregarded the request and eventually the perpetrator threatened folks with a pocket knife.  Police were contacted, responded and he was arrested on scene.  Most of you should know this perpetrator, who has been arrested multiple times, mostly municipal violations and involuntarily committed multiple times by NOPD.

Vehicle thefts were scattered throughout Mid-City on Tuesday-Saturday and vehicle burglaries popped up with a cluster at the Carrollton/Tulane corridor, including the Shamrock parking lot.


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