Item # D-0000-24 4/7/23 11:11 pm (homicide) @N. Carrollton and Iberville; The victim, a security guard at the Witt’s Inn, was doing his job when he came into contact with someone who was refused entry into the business. The subject who was refused entry confronted the victim, brandishing a handgun, shooting the victim who subsequently died from the gunshot.
Item # D-0000-24 4/12/24 3:50 am (aggravated battery by cutting) @3500 Block of Baudin Street; The victim stated he rode in a taxi from Bourbon Street to the 600 Block of S. Genois Street, the location of his Airbnb. Upon arrival, his personal property — including his phone and some money — were left in the taxi. The victim stated he came into contact with two subjects (B/M and W/F) who offered to help him identify the taxi company. The victim chose to engage with the couple and went to the Shell gas station at 3402 Tulane Avenue, where he withdrew $100 for the subjects. They walked to the 3500 Block of Baudin Street, where the male subject demanded to his wallet. After the demand for the wallet and struggle ensued between the victim and male perpetrator, with the male perpetrator pulling a knife from his clothing and cutting the victim on his head.
Item # D0000-24 4/12/24 12:08 am (armed robbery) @Norman Francis and Conti; The victim met two subjects on a dating website and agreed to allow the subjects to come to his home in the 5th Police District. They left his residence and went to another location in the 5th District, having a personal encounter. After that, they rode to several additional locations in the 5th District, ultimately ending in the 1st District. After making stops, the male subjects requested additional non-agreed-upon money. After the second request, the victim declined to give any more money. And at the intersection of N. Norman Francis and Conti, the two male subjects demanded the victim’s phone, while armed with a weapon. After turning over his property, the victim was released from the vehicle and proceeded to the 1st District Police Station to report the crime.
Thefts and shoplifting:
4/1/24 9:00 pm (reported 4/8/24) 3118 Banks Street package theft
4/10/24 9:39 pm 2727 Canal (Burger King) subject took food without paying
4/10/24 11:11 am 649 N. Broad Street (Autozone) auto accessories
Auto thefts:
3100 Block of St. Peter Street 4/8/24 11:00 am gray 2004 Ford F-150 La tag # DV59337
3600 Block of Conti Street 4/12/24 2:00 am silver 2018 Hyundai Elantra La tag # 529FSY
3000 Tulane Avenue 4/13/24 3:20 pm black and silver 2020 Lawn Scooter La tag # MC673542
4200 Block of S. Carrollton Avenue 4/11/24 9:30 am black 2021 Honda CRF 450 dirt bike (no VIN or plate available)
There were no shots fired calls reported between 4/7/24 to 4/13/24.
There was a triple shooting outside of 2901 Bar and Lounge (2901 Tulane Avenue), location of occurrence listed as Tulane and S. Dupre, this morning approximately 1:20 am. The incident will be on next week’s crime map. There is no clear motive for the shooting at this time; but based upon past experience it’s my opinion the perpetrator’s saw a target(s) they likely were looking for and took the opportunity to attempt a homicide. There were three victims that suffered gunshot wounds, but an additional three that suffered property damage. One subject is critical at this time and there were approximately 40-50 rounds fired according to witnesses. The location was filled with bar patrons at the time of the shooting. Any additional information on this will be forwarded to you all.
One response to “Crime Map – April 7-13, 2024”
Curious why none of the home burglaries taking place from March to present are not listed in any of these reports?