Item # F-27257-24 (aggravated battery by shooting) @N. Clark and Tulane 6/29/24 7:00 pm; This incident involved two subjects who are familiar with each other, one subject observed the other outside a location while passing in a vehicle. The driver stopped and fired several shots at the other, the subject outside the residence returned fire striking the initial shooter. This incident could be re-classified later, based upon the details.
Auto thefts:
6/26/24 11:15 pm 2801 Tulane Avenue (U-Haul) 15 ft transport truck Az tag # AG40672
6/25/24 1:30 am 4100 Block of Dumaine Street gray 2021 Infinity QX5 La tag # 174GTF
There were two additional auto thefts that were re-classified due to the vehicle’s parking location being mis-identified, the vehicle was located where the owner parked it and the other being a vehicle re-possession.
Thefts and shopliftings:
6/25/24 12:00 pm 319 S. Lopez Street E-Bike (Rattan make)
6/27/24 11:354 am 4131 S. Carrollton Avenue (Rainbow/clothing taken)
6/28/24 8:45 am 500 Block S. Rendon Street (tools and bag stolen from under residence)
6/29/24 9:15 am 230 N. Broad Street (Dollar General) customer phone stolen from counter after left there
6/22/24 11:25 pm 230 N. Broad Street (Dollar General)
6/26/24 6:00 pm 3700 Orleans Avenue (simple burglary)
6/29/24 5:00 am 900 N. Carrollton Avenue (Blue Oak BBQ)
6/25/24 2:00 am 4200 Block of Iberville Street (simple burglary)
6/25/24 1:00 am 4100 Iberville Street (residence burglary)
The perpetrators of the business burglary at Blue Oak BBQ were arrested Saturday morning. There is follow-up that will determine if those arrested perpetrators are connected to other burglaries that occurred throughout the city and other locations within Mid-City.
Shots fired:
6/29/24 10:26 am 3615 Tulane Avenue GOA (likely related to the N. Clark/Tulane shooting)