
Board of Directors

NameTitleAppointed ByCurrent TermEnd of Term
Wendy LakerChairMCNO24/21/27
Alvin Williams, Jr.Vice-ChairMCNO28/18/26
Corbett ScottBoard MemberCPNA18/17/25
Charley RichardSecretaryMCNO18/23/25
Robert RivardBoard MemberMCSD18/31/26
Darby ShieldsBoard MemberCPNA16/21/26
Jon FoxBoard MemberCPNA19/18/27
Board Appointed Consultants
Marshall Hevron, Adams and Reese, LLPServes as legal counsel for the Board.
Sudie S. Joint, CPAServes as the accountant for the Board.
Special Note
The Board of Commissioners serve in a voluntary capacity and receive no compensation.
* MCNO : Mid-City Neighborhood Organization
* CPNA : City Park Neighborhood Association