Crime Map April 16-22, 2023

Persons Crimes

Item # D-18350-23 4/19/23 10:00 am (armed robbery)@1100 City Park Avenue;  The victim was parked on the park side of City Park Avenue looking inside her vehicle for items.  The perpetrators pulled up next to the victim in a vehicle in the right lane of traffic with the passenger pointing a weapon at the victim demanding keys and taking the vehicle.  It should be noted this was the first of multiple crimes committed by the perpetrators on this day and they were arrested later that same day, the perpetrators were juveniles. 

Item # D-20169-23 4/21/23 4:00 am (aggravated assault)@4700 Banks Street;  The victim owns a trailer that was parked in his driveway.  The victim has home surveillance and observed a white truck backing into the trailer attempted to hitch and steal it.  The victim exited his home, confronted the perpetrator who exited the vehicle and possibly shot at the victim.  The victim stated he observed a weapon and heard a pop, so it’s assumed the perpetrator shot at him.  The perpetrator fled the scene, the victim only described the perpetrator as a B/M, 5’8” to 6’00” approximately 40-50 years old.  The vehicle was observed fleeing the scene by a security officer who described the vehicle as on older model white Chevy Suburban.


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