Crime Map April 2-8, 2023

Persons Crimes

Item # D-05146-23 4/5/23 10:57 pm (aggravated battery by cutting)@300 Blk S. Cortez (inside home in block);  The victim came into contact with his ex-girlfriend who invited him to her home after work.  When he went to the bathroom of the residence he was attacked with a sword by an intimate partner of his ex-girlfriend that neither apparently expected to be there.  The victim was cut twice.  Both he and the ex-girlfriend fled the location and contacted police.  Police arrived and the perpetrator was arrested and charged with aggravated battery.  

Item # D-08005-23 4/8/23 8:55 pm (aggravated battery)@3900 Tulane Avenue;  The victim B/M was walking in the 3900 Block of Tulane Avenue when he was approached by another B/M who attempted to punch him, the punch missed and the victim punched the perpetrator.  The perpetrator then went into an alley, retrieved a board and struck the victim injuring his right hand.  After that, the perpetrator then went into the alley again this time retrieving what’s believed to be a box cutter and cutting the victim across the stomach.  The perpetrator then fled the scene.  Police were notified of the incident and the victim was transported to UMC for treatment.  The victim is homeless and it’s very likely the perpetrator is homeless too.  It’s not clear the motive and it can’t be dismissed this could be a mentally disturbed person.   

The property crimes dropped dramatically, I’m attempting to see what arrests were made that coincide with this decrease.  We are seeing a little activity on the border at City Park Avenue, please note that in your patrols.


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