Homicide by shooting at S. Broad and Banks H-12476-23 8/13/23 approximately 11:00 pm. The victim was shot several times and expired on the scene. There was video footage of the murder and it does appear the victim was targeted by the perpetrator. As you all know that location is a hang out for numerous folks and the victim was a regular hanging around the store.
Car-jacking at 4701 Canal Street H-12304-23 8/13/23 9:44 pm, the victim a B/M drove his vehicle into the gas station in an attempt to fuel his vehicle. As the victim was entering the parking lot he observed a B/M possible juvenile subject walking in the direction of the gas station, the victim exited his vehicle in an attempt to pump gas. The subject was later observed walking away from the entry of the store towards the victim, getting near him producing a weapon and taking the victim’s vehicle (2015 BMW 320-I La tag 246-FNY). The vehicle was left running at the gas pump, the perpetrator fled with the vehicle Canal towards City Park Avenue.
Aggravated assault at 2727 Canal Street (Burger King) H-12132-23 8/13/23 4:51 pm, the victim on this incident was involved in a argument with a Burger King employee who allegedly for some reason deemed it necessary to pull out a weapon he had on his person and point it at the victim’s head over their heated argument. Detective Barker apparently received confirmation this occurred and a warrant has been issued for that employee’s arrest.
Armed robbery at 231 N. Carrollton Avenue (Subway) H-14674-23 8/16/23 12:26 pm, the perpetrator entered the restaurant with a machete and demanded money, he subsequently took the whole cash register fleeing on foot. It’s assumed the subject may have fled to an awaiting vehicle parked near since it’s unlikely he fled the area with the cash register in hand.
The were 4 vehicle thefts listed below:
- 3900 Orleans Avenue (2006 Honda Accord silver in color no plate)
- 4000 Iberville Street (2004 Nissan Titan grey in color La tag # Z257941)
- Baudin and S. Salcedo (2019 Nissan Kicks white in color La tag # 581CZH)
- 400 S. Solomon Street (2018 Hyundai Tucson recovered on 8/16/23 at Delachaise and Dorgenois)
There were 4 thefts/shopliftings, which included a porch theft in the 600 Block of N. Clark, shopliftings at Rainbow and CVS, and the last being a employee at Winn Dixie skip scanning items she was purchasing over the course of several days. Management for CVS has requested more business checks due to more activity at the location, please note that activity on your trip sheet.
There were no reported crimes Thursday to Saturday. Please continue patrols at the three gas stations (N. St. Patrick and Canal/ Tulane and S. Norman Francis/ and Broad and Orleans), they are targeted for car-jackings and robberies like the one that happened last week and in the past. Also continue the business corridor patrols Tulane and Carrollton/ Bienville and Carrollton/ and Broad and Bienville.
The last thing if you all are not aware a joint operation between the Department and the Feds closed out with arrests pertaining to our primary drug distributer in the 3900 Block of Ulloa. There is a void now and it’s very likely someone’s going to try to fill it, pass during your shifts to keep visibility there.