Persons Crimes
L-12331-22 Aggravated assault 2707 Orleans Avenue (Orleans Grocery/Gas Station) 12/13/22 5:00 am; victim reported he was attempting to get gas when dark colored Nissan Rogue entered the lot. The vehicle was occupied by at least two black males, the front passenger pointing a weapon at the victim. The victim fled inside the business and the vehicle fled the business at a high rate of speed as an officer was pulling into the gas station, and had no idea what occurred. The officer was notified of the incident and the vehicle was located a short distance away, empty and abandoned. The vehicle was discovered reported stolen. This was very likely an attempted car-jacking, but the perpetrators did not get the ability to complete the crime.
There was a small cluster of vehicle burglaries in the Tulane and S. Carrollton Avenue corridor over Thursday to Saturday.
We have 8 murders in Mid-City year to date, the last shooting victim in the 600 Block of S. Norman Francis died last week.