Crime Map December 4-10, 2022

Persons Crimes

 During this past week there were no violent crimes reported, the trend of vehicle theft persists and during the week outpaced vehicle burglary.

Auto thefts:

500 Block S. Salcedo; 2017 Maserati 478FWN

4000 Block of Banks; 2020 Jeep Wrangler 227EBS

142 N. Telemachus; 2017 Hyundai Tucson 410CAS

3800 Block of Tulane; 2017 Audi 134CMV

200 Block of S. Genois; 2000 Ford Explorer 852FGJ

100 Block of S. Alexander; attempt auto theft 2020 Kia

4300 Palmyra St; 2013 Hyundai Sonata 118CBS

800 Block of City Park Ave; 2018 Hyundai Sportage 175EFB


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