Crime Map – February 11-17, 2024

Item # B-11246-24 2/11/24 500 Block of S. Genois Street;  This incident involved an allegation against a family member.

Item # B-15152-24 2/15/24 2:59 pm aggravated assault@4001 Canal Street (Walgreens);  The perpetrator on this incident was committing a shoplifting and in the process was confronted by a store employee.  The perpetrator then pulled out a knife and threatened the employee with the weapon before fleeing the scene.  Officers observed the subject blocks from the scene, but the perpetrator made good his escape.  The perpetrator (Norris Dalton B/M 9/21/64) was identified and placed wanted for theft and aggravated assault

Item # B-11122-24 2/11/24 9:51 pm aggravated criminal damage@4900 Canal Street (Beach Corner);  The victims were approaching their vehicle when an unknown license plate Porsche Macan pulled up and fired several shots at the victim’s vehicle.  The victims, one male and one female, ran for cover and the perpetrator(s) fled the scene.  Police were blocks away when this occurred and heard the shots. 

Auto thefts:

2/13/24 800 Block of N. Carrollton Avenue 11:30 pm 2001 white Chevy Suburban La tag # 651 DXV

2/15/24 Orleans and N. White 3:00 pm 2019 white Kia Optima La tag # 164 FUO

2/12/24 N. Carrollton and Orleans 11:45 pm (reported stolen but found parked after the initial report, owner was drunk)

2/12/24 4800 Canal Street 1:00 am 2017 black Infinity Q50 La tag # 672 EGP

2/13/24 100 Block of N. Bernadotte Street 3:00 am 2006 blue GMC Sierra La tag # B496850

2/13/24 4301 Tulane Avenue 4:15 am 2016 silver Hyundai Elantra Tx tag # TJF 8756 (attempt auto theft)

2/16/24 4500 Block of Palmyra Street 7:57 pm 2019 Hyundai Tucson (attempt auto theft)

Thefts and shopliftings:

2/12/23 421 N. Carrollton Avenue (fled after receiving manicure and pedicure without payment)

2/14/24 4131 S. Carrollton Avenue  (Rainbow)

2/16/24 4131 S. Carrollton Avenue (Rainbow)

2/11/24 Canal and N. Broad (phone stolen after victim mistakenly left on food truck counter after a purchase)

2/12/24 2728 Orleans Avenue (porch theft) Sergeant Burke apprehended the subject, 1st District handled the arrest

2/12/24 300 Block of S. Carrollton Avenue (stolen license plate)

2/12/24 3500 Tulane Avenue (Mama Beauty supply) clothing taken

2/15/24 500 N. Carrollton Avenue (CVS)

2/15/24 3900 Block of Bienville (occurred at specific residence, victim stated ex-boyfriend stole jewelry from her residence)

     There was a business burglary at Neyow’s that was a little sophisticated with the perpetrator(s) cutting power to the business and gaining entry through a side gate and rear emergency door.  The cash register was stolen, containing $200 and a safe that contained several thousand dollars.

Shots fired:

B-11208-24 11:07 pm 3222 Canal Street GOA

B-13589-24 12:03 am 100 Block of S. Clark GOA

B-17363-24 11:48 pm Tulane and S. Carrollton Avenue GOA

B-11121-24 4900 Block of Canal Street (related to the Beach Corner incident) duplicate


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