Persons Crimes
Item # G-26240-23 7/27/23 11:23 pm @4400 Block of Iberville Street; The incident involved a male victim walking his dog in the 4400 Block of Iberville Street when he was approached from the rear by a subject, later identified as a B/M, with a gun. The subject demanded property from the victim specifically stating “do you have anything?”, however the victim had nothing in his possession but his pet. The perpetrator then fled on foot, Iberville Street to N. Murat Street, then a right on N. Murat Street where he entered a white sedan.
Item # G-25739-23 7/27/23 12:24 pm @Ulloa and S. Pierce Streets; This incident occurred at Ulloa and S. Pierce where there was an additional shooting victim. It’s my understanding this was targeted, there’s speculation that a shots fired call that occurred the previous day was connected to this homicide and its’s suspected the victim was the target the previous day.
There was a cluster of shopliftings and thefts between the Marshall’s and CVS on N. Carrollton Avenue.
2 responses to “Crime Map – July 23-29, 2023”
My brother’s vehicle was stolen from his driveway (St. Ann) last week. He’s notified police but I don’t see this crime listed.
Toni – St. Ann is just outside the border of the MCSD. Please see attached map for the boundaries of the Mid City Security District. Our Crime map only reflects what is inside these borders. Thank you, MCSD
Mid City Security District Boundaries