Item number G-26451-24 7/28/24 2:30 am (aggravated criminal damage to property)@500 Block of S. Scott Street; This incident occurred near a party at rented property, 516 S. Scott Street, there was an individual that fired a weapon multiple times striking several vehicles. This was initially thought to be a shooting, however the female was actually cut by glass and not struck by a round.
Item number G-30074-24 7/31/24 7:37 pm (aggravated battery by cutting)@3222 Canal Street (Sacred Heart Apartments); The victim was cutting the perpetrator’s hair when an argument ensued between the two, the perpetrator retrieved a knife while in the apartment, attacked the victim, and stabbed him in the chest with the knife. Thankfully the victim survived the attack and the perpetrator was arrested.
7/27/24 9:00 pm 4800 Block of Baudin Street (Ariel Rider E-Bike)
7/30/24 8:30 am 4300 Block of S. Carrollton Avenue (black E-Bike serial # 274622306102573)
8/3/24 5:15 pm 3500 Block of Iberville Street (exterior surveillance camera)
7/29/24 2:45 am 2700 Block of Tulane Avenue (La tag # 445 CYU)
7/29/24 10:00 am (Marshall Meggs B/M 6/25/99 wanted)
7/31/24 6:39 am (Marshall Meggs B/M 6/25/99 wanted)
7/28/24 5:07 pm (Isaiah Thomas B/M 8/7/88 wanted)
8/1/24 9:34 am (Brian Moore B/M 10/28/91 arrested)
Auto thefts:
7/29/24 9:30 am trailer and John Deere utility vehicle (VIN # 53BFTEA28NB01272)
7/28/24 4:15 am 2011 yellow mini-scooter
There was a business burglary at 4724 S. Carrollton Avenue, Marshall Meggs is wanted for this crime in addition to the shopliftings.
Shots Fired:
There was one call of shots fired connected to the S. Scott Street incident under NOPD item # G-26453-24 7/28/24 2:34 am.