Crime Map July 31 – August 6, 2022

Persons Crimes

Item # G-30583-22, 315 S. Hennessey Street, simple robbery.  This involved a dating couple who rented the location (AirBNB) and got into an argument over infidelity.  The male committed a battery on the victim and took her phone.  He fled the location, there’s a warrant for his arrest. 

Item # H-04937-22, 4061 Tulane Avenue (Club Extasis), armed robbery.  Hispanic male stated he was robbed by two Hispanic subjects (a male and female) after leaving the club.  During his time in the club the victim interacted with the perpetrators, one male and one female, spilling a drink on the female, which appears to have led to the incident. 

Club Pressure still appears to not be open, which seems to be why our vehicle burglaries are still low.


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