Persons Crimes
Item # F-03086-23 6/4/23 7:00 am (aggravated assault)@4000 Block of Tulane Avenue; The story was not clear and the victim was intoxicated and officers did not get a clear statement, however for whatever reason the Hispanic victim was chased by another Hispanic male who fired a weapon while chasing him. The report states the perpetrator fired the weapon at the ground while chasing the victim, a spent casing was recovered.
Item # F-07856-23 6/8/23 8:35 pm (simple robbery)@400 Block of S. Norman Francis; The victim, a Hispanic male, was walking his dog in the 400 Block of S. Norman Francis when he was approached by an unknown race male, there was no weapon observed or implied. The perpetrator who was wearing a hoodie, and face apparently concealed, took a bag the victim was carrying which contained his passport and approximately $60. The perpetrator fled on foot, direction unknown.
Item # F-09990-23 6/10/23 10:46 pm (sex offense)@3500 Block of Tulane Avenue; The victim contacted police and stated she was kicked out of a vehicle and sexually assaulted prior to being kicked out of that vehicle. The identify of the offender was unknown to the victim.
Item # F-04842-23 6/5/23 11:32 pm (armed robbery)@512 City Park Avenue; The employees of Burger King were working and preparing to close when they heard noises coming from the front of the business, when they walked toward the front they observed a B/M subject climbing through the drive thru window. The subject made entry with a weapon, demanded money and received an undetermined amount, according to the report. After receiving the money, the perpetrator had the employees stay at the rear of the business and then fled through the drive thru window. The perpetrator is only described as an older B/M wearing a face mask, armed with a weapon.
Item # F-07259-23 6/8/23 9:17 am (obscenity)@500 N. Hennessey Street; The perpetrator of this incident pulled next to the victim (female) who was walking her dog, in his vehicle and stated “you like big dicks?” The perpetrator then exposed his penis and later fled in the vehicle, the vehicle is described as a black in color Infinity Sedan. There was no racial or additional descriptors of the perpetrator.
There was a cluster of auto thefts in the Orleans/Moss area and auto thefts were our most prevalent crime overall.