Crime Map March 19-25, 2023

Persons Crimes

Item # C-20067-23 3/21/23 9:01 pm sexual assault@300 Blk S. Norman Francis;  This was an incident involving a juvenile.  Waiting to hear from Sex Crimes on this.

     FYI we have two persons crimes reported for Sunday (this week) one a robbery in the 4000 Block of Ulloa 3:50 pm where the victim was walking home from the store located on the corner of Ulloa and S. Pierce.  The victim was armed with a handgun and had jewelry on.  The victim a B/M was approached by three B/M’s.  The first one picking him up from behind and the second two taking his property, which included his handgun and jewelry.  The second person crime was an aggravated assault 9:40 am.  Two individuals were involved in an argument at 3515 Tulane Avenue.  The argument escalated to one person spitting in the others face and that individual retrieving a hammer and chasing the other with threats to strike the person.  

     Same as the previous week our most active crime is auto theft.

1.            3700 Bienville 2016 Kia Sorrento

2.            3000 Tulane 2020 Hyundai Sante Fe (theft and recovery, recovered in the 600 Blk of N. Scott)

3.            2900 Tulane 2003 Dodge Ram

4.            100 S. Bernadotte 2018 Hyundai Elantra (recovered 1600 Blk Bartholomew Street)

5.            4100 Tulane 2014 Kia Sorrento

6.            100 Blk S. Solomon 2015 Kia Sorrento (recovered in 5100 Blk of Kendall Drive)

7.            4400 Blk Conti 2016 Hyundai Sonata (recovered 800 Blk of Poydras Street)

8.            1-10 W and City Park 2010 Toyota Camry (likely towed)


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