Crime Map May 15-21, 2022

Persons Crimes

There was one violent crime reported item number:  64-J 2700 Tulane Ave. under item number E-17193-22 occurred 5/16@11:22 am.  The victim was sitting inside his vehicle when he was approached by the perpetrator on foot by the driver door with weapon pointed at victim.  The victim was ordered to exit the vehicle and complied, the perpetrator fled in the victim’s vehicle.

Auto burglaries still persist around the Tulane/Carrollton corridor and there is an increase in auto burglaries scattered throughout Mid-City.

As stated previously keep an eye and conduct resident checks at 132 S. Scott, also continue the checks at 530 S. Norman Francis pertaining to the loitering and drug use in the rear of D’Mac next to the business at 530 S. Norman Francis.  Please document those on your trip sheet and place comments in comment section.


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