Persons Crimes
There were was one person crime reported. It was a sex offense under, sex offense 5/31/23 in the 3400 Block of Tulane Avenue at 11:48 pm. At this time I have no information on this and will get back with you all. There was an obvious uptick in shopliftings at Rouses and Marshall’s, please take note of that in your patrol activities. Also S. Solomon on the 31st and 3rd of this past week with 2 vehicle burglaries, an auto theft and a theft. All crimes in the 3rd District portion of Mid-City were confined to the 600-700 Blocks of S. Solomon.
Continue to check 3835 Cleveland Street, which has been secured for any trespassers. Patrol the rear of DMac’s for any activity in that rear parking lot, Banks and N. White Streets for complaints of loitering, and nuisance issues, our gas stations (Orleans/Broad), (N. St. Patrick and Canal), and (Tulane and S. Norman Francis), the Broad corridor between Orleans and Canal, and the N. Carrollton Business corridor. The area bordered by Orleans/Moss and City Park Avenue was active in the past couple weeks with thefts. Although nothing was reported this week, check that area as well.