Crime Map November 26 – December 2, 2023

tem # K-26898-23 10:48 pm aggravated battery by shooting@2757 Canal (McDonald’s);  The involved parties on this incident two B/M subjects were co-workers at the business, the two had been engaged in argument throughout the day.  The argument escalated to a physical fight inside the business, which moved to the parking lot.  At some point one subject retrieved a gun he had in his possession and fired one shot striking the other subject in the leg.  The perpetrator then fled the area in his vehicle and the victim was transported to the hospital by a concerned citizen.  The perpetrator was identified and a warrant was issued for arrest.

Auto thefts

11/26/23 3000 Block of St. Peter (actually occurred 11/25/23 2:00 am) attempt auto theft 2017 Hyundai Accent

11/26/23 700 Block of S. Solomon (actually occurred 11/25/23 11:30 pm) 2021 Hyundai Elantra blue in color Fl tag # QLAJ71

11/27/23 2800 Block of Canal 11:45 pm 2020 Kia Forte gray in color (Hertz rental) no tag or VIN info

11/30/23 400 Block of S. Telemachus 11:25 pm no info on vehicle

11/30/23 300 Block of S. White 10:10 pm 2018 Hyundai Elantra (recovered in the 3100 Block of Gravier Street same date 10:50 pm) 

11/30/23 3900 Block of Delgado Drive 3:15 am 2016 Hyundai Tucson red in color La tag # 399GRQ

Shopliftings and thefts

     There was one porch theft (3020 Conti Street), however the thefts and shopliftings were targeted at businesses, including Walgreens, CVS, the Party Shop Store, and Botanica San Simon.  There was an email sent to you all yesterday about a suspected package thief. Make sure to look at those pictures. 

     Remember the patrols in 1st District Zones M01 and N01.  We are in the holiday season so remember the business corridors and also the fact we often have an increase in robberies and attempted robberies as Christmas approaches. 


Because there was an inquiry regarding the crime map and its lack of listing certain crimes such as vandalism, below is an explanation from Sgt. Russell:

  The Mid-City Security District just like the Lakeview Crime Prevention District and the NOPD as a whole follow and report the FBI UCR (uniform crime reporting system).  Those crimes include all the crimes listed on the crime map.  There is a list of crimes that would be excluded including: simple battery, simple assault, simple criminal damage to property (which most  would be considered vandalism), simple battery domestic, criminal trespass, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and a list of other non-aggravated crimes. 

     When it comes to a specific area that has quality of life concerns or hypothetically an area has an out of the ordinary amount of Non UCR crimes like trespassing or criminal damage complaints that I’m aware of officers are or will be notified of that.  Example would be when I look at the daily report tracking log and I see several simple criminal damage reports (someone just breaking car windows *no burglary* or flattening tires in a neighborhood) in Zone M, even though that’s not listed on the crime map, that’s a problem and officers will be directed to that area.  Specific details about that will be forwarded to officers with a time range of occurrences, if possible.     

     As far as the map, I go by the daily tracking log that lists every report filed in the districts daily.  I have no doubt there are crimes unreported, for numerous reasons that I’m not aware of; but I can allow and document on the map for those UCR categories that are reported. 

     I do want to reiterate that just because something is not on the crime map does not mean there may not be problems in an area and that area won’t get attention.  We’ve had complaints about loitering, loud music, and traffic issues, those complaints had officers directed to them and I include myself in responding to them.   


Sergeant Alfred Russell

Mid-City Security District


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