Item number # J-14610-24 10/15/24 1:18 pm (aggravated battery)@400 Block of S. Dupre Street; The male victim engaged in an argument with another male which escalated to one male hitting the other male possibly with a brick. The victim suffered an injury, the perpetrator Kevin Cole B/M 6/22/83 arrested on scene.
Vehicle burglary:
10/2/24 11:00 am 3600 Block of Tulane Avenue (late report)
10/18/24 11:54 am 100 Block of S. Broad Street
10/19/24 5:00 am 4300 Block of Tulane Avenue
10/16/24 2:30 am 4300 Block of S. Carrollton Avenue (tools/truck liner/toolbox stolen from truck bed)
There were no shots fired reported in the last week.
10/13/24 9:30 am 230 N. Broad Street (Dollar General) household and clothing items (Travis Shawn B/M 6/26/93 wanted)
10/14/24 12:09 pm 700 N. Broad Street (Cricket Wireless) karaoke speaker
10/15/24 1:54 pm 500 N. Carrollton Avenue (CVS) beverages
10/17/24 7:54 am 500 N. Carrollton Avenue (CVS) household items