Crime Map October 2-8, 2022

Persons Crimes

Item # J-03889-22 car-jacking in the 300 Block of S. Cortez Street 10/4/22 @8:44 pm.  The victim was parking his vehicle when he was approached by two B/M’s who were armed and took his vehicle.  The vehicle was later recovered in the 4th District.

Item # J-05196-22 armed robbery in the 500 Block of S. Scott 10/6/22 @5:11 am.  This incident occurred at Comiskey Park, the victim stated he was approached by a B/M armed with a gun who took his wallet.  The victim stated he was accompanied by a female companion, after initially stating he was seated in his vehicle outside the park when the robbery occurred.

Item # J-07170-22 murder 406 N. Carrollton Avenue 10/7/22 @9:32 pm.  The incident occurred between the Baskin Robbins and Jimmy John’s.  The victim was clearly targeted and the perpetrator was likely surveilling him.  The victim was shot several times and there is a suspect identified in this case.  

Important notes:  I was notified by Sergeant Sam in Lakeview he notices burglar alarms holding in the 3rd District that were downgraded by dispatch and pending when Lakeview units were clear.  When working Mid-City periodically check for burglar alarms holding and take those calls.  Dispatch should be keeping track of this, but it doesn’t hurt to help them out.

4200 block of Ulloa Street there is a complaint from an unnamed resident about subjects hanging in and around his property.  When able, conduct residence checks there, that corridor we have homeless, prostitutes and drug addicts.


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