Item number J-22804-24 (armed robbery)@4401 Banks Street occurred 10/23/24 7:52 am; The victim and the perpetrator knew each other through social media and met up at the location for breakfast before the victim went to work on the day of the incident. The two had a brief conversation, which included him asking for money. The subject then asked for another item he observed in her vehicle. The perpetrator produced a weapon first, demanding property. The victim, who is employed as an armed security officer, retrieved her weapon in response, and both fired a shot. The perpetrator was not wounded, while the victim suffered a non-life-threatening gunshot wound. The victim did not know the perpetrator’s real name. However, with the help of several citizens who reside and work in the area, and surveillance footage the perpetrator was identified, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Aaron Sharp B/M 11/26/91 was arrested 10/26/24 for the crime.
4500 Block of Palmyra Street 9/27/24 3:38 pm *late report* (package theft/ring doorbell setup)
3300 Block of Cleveland Street 9/5/24 12:56 pm *late report* (package theft/shoes)
Auto theft:
4300 Block of Tulane Avenue 10/20/24 12:00 am gray 2021 Hyundai Elantra Fl tag # PZCC60
4100 Block of Iberville Street 10/22/24 8:00 am (shed burglar) generator stolen
4000 Block of Ulloa Street 10/25/24 3:00 am (business burglary) tools stolen
230 N. Broad Street (Dollar General) 10/20/24 6:40 pm (make-up and hair products)
4001 Canal Street (CVS) 10/22/24 3:42 pm (detergent) Joshua Weismiller W/M 4/18/84 wanted
230 N. Broad Street (Dollar General) 10/22/24 7:50 am (plug in air freshener)
Shots Fired:
There was one call of shots fired in the previous week at Canal and S. Salcedo Streets 10/26/24 10:43 pm (GOA)