Persons Crimes
Item # J-25182-22 purse snatching 3701 Banks Street 10/26/22 @1:45am and J-24988-22 aggravated burglary 2808 Banks 10/26/22 5:56am the perpetrator who committed both of these crimes was arrested. Perpetrator committed both crimes, the purse snatching was a late report. The perpetrator committed an aggravated burglary, aggravated because he engaged in a battery once he entered. He was later identified by the female whose purse he snatched as the perpetrator of that crime. The female victim and her acquaintance apparently pursued the perpetrator and the break-in may have been an attempt to evade them.
Stolen vehicles were our most obvious crime with times all over 5:30am, 2:12pm, 1:11am, 9:30pm, 3:30am, 12:37am, 8:31pm, 9:00pm, and 12:00pm and an auto theft was committed every day last week except Tuesday. One vehicle was at the Shell with the keys left in and running, one was a mopad bike and there were 2 Kia’s and 1 Hyundai. If you’re unaware Kia’s and Hyundai’s can be stolen with USBs. Unsure if any of these vehicles could have been towed, will follow-up with 1st and 3rd Property Crimes to see if there is any significant information. Looking at all reports in the system there were no descriptors or more detailed information I can disseminate at this time. A Kia stolen from the 600 Block of N. St. Patrick was recovered in the 5th District near the old Desire Housing Development.