Item number J-11250-24 10/11/24 11:30 am 2901 Tulane Avenue (aggravated assault); The incident involved a female patron of the bar getting in a heated argument with a bar employee, the female was escorted from the business. While outside the bar employee who was engaged in the exchange was threatened by a male with a handgun. The handgun was pointed at the victim, the male perpetrator may be acquainted with the female who was escorted from the business.
10/8/24 1:40 pm 600 Block of S. Hennessey Street (acquittance crime) Samantha Brown W/F 10/5/89 wanted for the crime
10/5/24 6:40 am 100 Block of S. Genois Street (generator) stolen from backyard of property
10/10/24 7:45 pm 4077 Tulane Avenue (restaurant service/food items)
10/11/24 3:00 am 3700 Block of Delgado Drive (no info on items)
Auto theft:
10/11/24 1:05 pm 4000 Block of S. Carrollton Avenue 2013 black Toyota Tundra La tag # DI095161
10/6/24 4:30 am 3700 Block of Orleans Avenue 2019 black Jeep Cherokee La tag # 445GQT
10/6/24 2:220 am 2900 Block of Orleans Avenue 2019 black Kia Forte La tag # 157 GAW
10/9/24 10:27 pm 100 Block of S. Salcedo Street 2022 Kia Sportage (recovered 10/11/24 3:35 pm in the 1400 Block of Kerlerec Street)
Shed burglary:
10/9/24 3:41 am 3700 Block of Iberville Street (tools)
There were no shots fired reported in Mid-City the previous week.
10/9/24 9:39 am 230 N. Broad Street (baby products)
10/10/24 2:29 pm 4001 Canal Street (detergent)
10/11/24 3:44 pm 4001 Canal Street (cleaning products)
10/12/24 7:53 am 230 N. Broad Street (food items)