Crime Map October 9-15, 2022

Persons Crimes

We had 5 violent crimes reported including 4 robberies/attempt robberies and 1 shooting, listed below:

J-13010-22 shooting 10/13/22 10:35 pm @ Conti and N. Rendon:  Off-duty NOPD officer shot and robbed, PIB is handling this shooting and I don’t have a lot of information.

J-13808-22 robbery 10/14/22 7:52 pm @ 3300 Block of Conti St:  B/M subject loitering in the area robbed two female victims.  This report included the arrest of the perpetrator, who also perpetrated two other robberies under item number J-13813-22 10/14/22 7:59 pm @ 3200 Block of Conti St and J-13843-22 7:53 pm @ 3300 Block of Conti St.  Under Item number J-13813-22 that was the car-jacking and that vehicle was used in one of the other robberies.  Suspect was arrested.

J-14309-22 robbery 10/15/22 10:23 am @ 500 block of S. Genois:  The victim met a prostitute W/F at the Shell gas station on Tulane Ave., and engaged in prostitution at the location of occurrence.  Upon arrival, there were two B/M’s in the front of the shotgun residence, the victim still thought it safe to engage and upon completion of activity the male subjects robbed him.  


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