Joseph Davis 7/24/85
This subject is wanted for one attempt sexual assault and one sexual battery, both occuring on Thursday, May 23rd. One incident occurred on the Lafitte Greenway in the 3700 block of Lafitte Street at approximately 12:30 p.m. The other incident occurred at St. Louis and Broad Street at approximately 7:15 a.m. Both Mid-City Security District and 1st District officers responded to the scene and canvassed the area both times. After surveillance footage was obtained, the perpetrator was identified as Joseph Davis. If you see this individual, please call 911 immediately. Please be safe, be aware of your surroundings, and try not to travel alone at this time when using the Lafitte Greenway. Download the new MCSD app to report and photograph incidents on the Greenway and anywhere within the boundaries of MCSD. We will send out a notification upon the perpetrator’s arrest or if any updates are deemed necessary.
5/25/24 Joseph Davis has been arrested!
One response to “News – Alert! 5/24/24”
I believe he is the same one that I had numerous encounters with at 3530 Canal Street. He has no respect for boundaries, people or property. He attempted to live on my porch until confronted by police and land owner.